Sabtu, 16 Maret 2013

Soal - Soal Latihan Persiapan Ujian MId Semester II


  1. The mature Agathis alba tree produces the following, except...
a.       Microsphorophyl
b.      Makrosporophyl
c.       Male strobilus
d.      Female strobilus
e.      flower
  1. The following form seed in the cone, except...
a.      Agathis alba
b.      Acasia auricularis
c.       Pinus merkusi
d.      Angiopteris evecta
e.       Cycas rumphii
  1. Mosses plants we often see in daily life are...
a.       Gametophyte
b.      Sporophyte
c.       Sporangium
d.      Prothalium
e.      Protonema
  1. The members of class bryopsida is...
a.      Sphagnum
b.      Marchantia
c.       Anthocerops
d.      Gnetum gnemon
e.       Oryza sativa
  1. Monocots can be differentiated from dicots according to the following typical characteristics in all structures, except...
a.       The root system
b.      The structure of steam anatomy
c.       The morphology of flower
d.      The haploid nature of gamets
e.      The base of receptacle
  1. The followings are the charactheristics of closed seeded plant, namely...
a.       Single fertilization
b.      Open seeded
c.       The seeded is coated by carpel
d.      Rigid and narrow leaf
e.      No perfect flower
  1. Cilial larva on porifera is called as....
a.       Planula
b.      Ephyra
c.       Ambulacral
d.      Redia
e.      metacercariae
  1. The excretory organ on planaria is...
a.       Nephridium
b.      Strobilus
c.       Rostellum
d.      Fire cell
e.      Malphigian tublules
  1. Members of phylum platyhelminthes are parasite and suck foods from their hosts. The following included in sucking worm is...
a.       Cestoda
b.      Trematoda
c.       Turbelaria
d.      Grastroricha
e.      Rotifera
  1. Elephantiasis disease is caused by...
a.       Wuchereria bancrofti
b.      Enterobius vermicularis
c.       Paragonimus westermani
d.      Ancylostoma duodenale
e.      Chlonorchis sinensis
  1. Member of arthropoda breathing with segmented lungs is ...
a.       Pelecypoda
b.      Gastropoda
c.       Cephalopoda
d.      Scaphopoda
e.      Amphineura
  1. The form of nervous system on phylum echinodermata is....
a.       Ventral nerve cord
b.      Ganglion
c.       Ring engirdling esophagus
d.      Connective nerves
e.      Sub – esophageal ganglion
  1. Reproduction process of earthworm occurs on the part of body called...
a.       Septum
b.      Metameric
c.       Clitellum
d.      Caecum
e.      Parapodia
  1. The are that is not the caracteristic of mollusks, is...
a.       Bliateral symmetrical
b.      Possesing clitellum
c.       Breathing with gills and lung
d.      Its nervous system consists of three pairs of ganglion
e.      Soft body and no segmentation
  1. The are that is the characteristic of Echinodermata, is...
a.       Triploblastic
b.      Diploblastic
c.       Symetri radial
d.      Asymetri
e.      Not have segmentation of anterior and posterior body

  1. Mention the characteristic of plants?
  2. What is the main differences between ferns and mosses plant?
  3. Mention the characteristic of mosess?
  4. Explain the life cycle of plant in general?
  5. Mention the characteristics and the natures of animal ?
  6. What is the main differences between platyhelminthes and annelida?
  7. Give the sample of phylum coelentrata?
  8. Mention eight phylum on avertebrata in kingdom animalia?
  9. Explain the differences between diploblastic and triploblastic?
  10. Explain the differences betwen aselomata, pseudoselomata and selomata?

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